Art + Design

History of Black and White Art from Ancient Times to Now

History of Black and White Art from Ancient Times

History of Black and White Art from Ancient Times to Modern Day... Black and white art has a rich and captivating history that spans across centuries, bringing forth unique expressions of creativi...
Yatsuo no Tsubaki Woodblock Prints by Taguchi Tomoki

Yatsuo no Tsubaki Woodblock Prints by Taguchi Tomoki

Explore Yatsuo no Tsubaki from the late Edo period with woodblock prints by Taguchi Tomoki Yatsuo no Tsubaki takes us on a journey through the late Edo period with the exquisite woodblock prints b...
What Happens in Your Brain When You Create Art

What Happens in Your Brain When You Create Art

The Science of Art: What Happens in Your Brain When You Create Engaging in art is not only a creative outlet, but it also has profound effects on your brain. According to neuroscience professor Ch...
Lazy Nerd Explainer: Collage Techniques from Paper to Fabric

Lazy Nerd Explainer: Collage Techniques from Paper to Fabric

Different Types of Collage: A Comprehensive Guide Collage is a versatile art form that can be created using different materials and techniques. Here are some of the most popular types of col...
Lazy Nerd Explainer: History of Collage - Ancients to Midjourney

Lazy Nerd Explainer: History of Collage - Ancients to Midjourney

The History of Collage: From Ancient Times to Contemporary Innovations Collage is a unique art form that allows artists to experiment with different materials and techniques while creating new artw...
Moriz Jung: Pioneering Illustrator and Printmaker

Moriz Jung: Pioneering Illustrator and Printmaker

Uncover the Marvels of Moriz Jung: A Trailblazing Illustrator and Printmaker Moriz Jung was a visionary artist whose contributions to the world of illustration and printmaking remain influential t...
The Colorful World of Vincent van Gogh

The Colorful World of Vincent van Gogh

Immerse Yourself in the Colorful World of Vincent van Gogh Vincent van Gogh is one of the most famous and influential artists of all time. Born in the Netherlands in 1853, van Gogh created a vast ...
Toyohara Kunichika: Iconic Master of Japanese Art

Toyohara Kunichika: Iconic Master of Japanese Art

Discovering Toyohara Kunichika: Iconic Master of Japanese Art Few artists capture the essence of traditional Japanese art like Toyohara Kunichika. Renowned for his ukiyo-e woodblock prints, Kunich...
Becoming a Successful Artist Beyond Cliches And Stereotypes

Becoming a Successful Artist Beyond Cliches and Stereotypes

We've all heard the clichés and stereotypes about what it takes to become a successful artist. But are these commonly held beliefs true, or are they simply myths that need to be debunked? In...
Moth Man: How William Forsell Kirby Revolutionized Entomology

Moth Man: How William Forsell Kirby Revolutionized Entomology

Explore the Life & Works of William Forsell Kirby William Forsell Kirby was a pioneering British entomologist whose works in Victorian entomology had a significant impact on the field. He is r...
A Quick(ish) But Thorough Collage Definition for Art Nerds

A Quick(ish) But Thorough Collage Definition for Art Nerds

A Brief But In-Depth Look at Collage Art Collage is a technique of art production where the artwork is created by adhering various materials such as photographs, magazine clippings, bits of colored...
The Art and (Some) Science of Robert John Thornton’s Botanicals

The Art and (Some) Science of Robert John Thornton’s Botanicals

Discovering Robert John Thornton: Botanical Illustrator Extraordinaire Robert John Thornton is one of the most celebrated botanical artists of the late 18th and early 19th centuries. He is best kn...